PhinneyWood Round-Up – July 17th – North Star Diner and Gumshoe 5K Day

by | Jul 17, 2020

It’s hard for us all to keep up with everything going on these days. PhinneyWood is here to help you stay up to date on some of the latest happenings around the neighborhood.

Congratulations to the North Star Diner on their fifth anniversary today! To celebrate, they are offering $5 Drive-Thru Burgers. They currently have limited dine-in and takeout available, so stop by or give them a call at (206) 457-5794. Don’t forget to say congrats!

Tomorrow is the neighborhood-wide Gumshoe 5K Day. Explore PhinneyWood with your friends and neighbors with one of the currently available legacy scavenger hunts! For more details and the clues, visit (July’s answers will be posted August 1.) For extra fun, join the Gumshoe Facebook group. Please remember to be safe, responsible, and wear your mask along with your sneakers!

Have some news that you need to share with the community? Feel free to reach out so we can spread the word! There is an easy online submission form here.

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