The Greenwood Community Council is hosting a Zoom State Representative candidate forum on Tuesday, July 21 at 7 pm for the 36th Legislative District August 4 primary election.
Join on July 21 using this link. If you can’t connect over the internet, please email [email protected] for the dial-in information.
“With all that’s going on, you might not have noticed that there’s a primary election coming up on August 4 – and with the pandemic, it’s difficult for candidates to meet you. Greenwood is entirely in the 36th legislative district, and there are three candidates vying for an open seat. With a pandemic and multi-billion dollar revenue shortage, this next session will be a very interesting one to become a new representative. Please join this zoom event to hear from the candidates before making your choice!”
Steve Scher will moderate. We will have a few prepared questions, then ask you to submit your questions during the forum through the comment log.
Here are links to the three candidates’ campaign websites: