Come celebrate Pride month in PhinneyWood tomorrow, win free zoo tickets and enjoy drag story time

by | Jun 6, 2020

Businesses all along Greenwood will be participating in the “Hop Route” and are busy decorating their windows and sidewalks with rainbow images to promote inclusiveness and diversity for Pride Month.

There are a Rainbow Hop record 39 businesses participating, and you can download the walking map here.

So saddle up the family, explore the neighborhood, have conversations about LGBTQ and acceptance, and take a picture of your favorite Pride Display. If you post your photo to a public Instagram or PNA’s Facebook and tag with #phinneywoodpride and @phinneyneighborhoodassociation, we will mail you a free ticket to the Woodland Park Zoo to use when they re-open!

Also… drag story time! While Seattle Public Library’s Greenwood Branch has traditionally hosted this sought-after event each year, they will be hosting again this year virtually on their YouTube channel.

Join librarians, drag entertainer Cookie Couture, and a native two-spirit storyteller –all doing storytimes for Pride.

The first in a series of five will be premiering on Rainbow Hop day, Saturday, June 6, at 10 am on SPL’s You Tube channel.

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