Have you lost your job and lost your life insurance, or has the pandemic caused you to consider getting this for the first time? Jean Wall State Farm can help you set up a policy and during this special time the normal exam requirement has been waived for most policies up to $1 million. No obligation to see if you qualify.
Also, because we are driving less and auto insurance claims are reduced, Jean is reducing the cost of auto insurance up to 15% and also will be giving back 27.5% of all premiums paid for auto insurance for the past 2.5 months.
Jean Wall is a proud 30+ year resident of Seattle and her office is extremely active and generous within our community. “Community is the foundation of what we do and we love being part of your world. As an involved member in multiple charitable Seattle programs, we encourage our customers to join us on social media and be part of our own Boys and Girls Club, supporting holiday clothing drives, attending community events and other small local businesses’ promotions.”
If you would like to share in this Good Neighbor Relief program, or in real time decisions helping our policyholders, just give us them a call at 206-528-0411 or send an email to connect to [email protected].