Wondering what’s open in our neighborhood? New web page launched to connect us to our businesses

by | Mar 27, 2020

The Phinney Neighborhood Association has created a site that our businesses can communicate their status, open hours, and best way to support them while we are dealing with Covid. The PhinneyWood Business Community Connection page is starting to fill with these details and will be updated daily as information comes to us.

At the PNA, we build, engage, and support our community; connect neighbors and foster civic engagement. This mission has been our guiding principle for the past 40 years and it continues to guide us as we work to overcome together the challenges we face today with Covid.

Throughout the days ahead, you can look here for opportunities to support the people and places that make our neighborhood amazing while practicing distancing to help keep our community safe and healthy. Let’s show our neighborhood restaurants, businesses, and artists that, when the chips are down, we have their backs.

If your favorite business is not on the page, please reach out to the business owner or manager to take 5 minutes fill out the submission form so the community knows how best to patronize or support them while we ride this out. In the meantime, please continue to buy local and stay safe!

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