Spring Acting Studio registration is now open. Children in grades K-12 can participate in one of two engaging camps for young actors. Registration is available online, along with class descriptions, at www.taproottheatre.org/acting-studio/, or contact Taproot’s Acting Studio at (206) 529-3668 or [email protected].
For Grades K-3rd — DRAMAQUEST CAMP. The students’ imaginations provide the script in this class that challenges and excites young children as they learn theatrical terms, play games that reinforce important skills and work together to tell a compelling story. Students will learn about the three tools in an actor’s toolbox: imagination, voice and body. They’ll also experience the wonder of theatre as a team activity as they work together in an environment where empathy and respect are highly valued.
Location: Taproot Theatre, Isaac Studio Theatre, 208 N 85th St.
Dates and Times: Monday-Friday, April 13-17 from 10am-2pm
Cost: $200 (1 week)
Performance: Friday April 17 at 1pm
For Grades 4th-12th — YOUTH AND TEEN SHOWCASE. This camp provides all the fun and excitement of putting on a great production in just one week. From auditioning and rehearsing to preparing for a final performance, students will have a great time working together and developing their acting skills. Get ready for an action-packed, fast-paced theatre adventure as students come together to memorize lines, learn stage blocking and go through tech rehearsals just like the professionals. Students will be amazed at what they have accomplished when it all comes together in front of an audience.
Location: Taproot Theatre, Jewell Mainstage Theatre, 204 N 85th St.
Dates and Times: Monday-Friday, April 13-17 from 10am-4pm
Cost: $325 (1 week)
Performance: Friday April 17 at 3pm
Both camps have final performances that take place on Friday April 17 at Taproot Theatre in Seattle. Admission is free, and first come, first served. There are no tickets; just show up. Doors open 15 minutes before show time. Donations are welcomed and will be used for Studio camp scholarships. Shows are appropriate for ages 3 and up. Babies in arms are welcome, but children who are distracting during the production may be asked to wait in the lobby. Taproot’s Acting Studio reserves the right to change performance titles and schedules.
About Taproot Theatre’s Acting Studio
Taproot Theatre Company’s Acting Studio offers year-round classes for youth and adults taught by local theatre professionals. Budding thespians will find classes to help them develop their acting skills, while more seasoned actors can build on their knowledge and learn new techniques. Taproot Theatre Company is a professional, non-profit theatre company with a multi-faceted production program. Founded in 1976, Taproot Theatre serves the Pacific Northwest with Mainstage Productions, Touring Productions and Acting Studio. Taproot exists to create theatre that explores the beauty and questions of life while bringing hope to our search for meaning.