Gingerbread house-making (kids) and hard cider tasting (adults) this Friday at Makeda and Mingus

by | Dec 11, 2019

Come to Makeda and Mingus on Phestivus Art Walk Friday, December 13 from 6 – 9pm for a fun and unique family activity.

Kids join in the fun and build their own gingerbread house with provided supplies. Parents get their own fun and pre-select a hard cider (or two!) of their choice to enjoy at the gingerbread party or take home.

Ciders provided by PressThenPress, a new Phinney business that specializes in small batch and hard-to find ciders that you won’t find in any local stores.

Tickets can be pre-purchased here.

Makeda & Mingus Cider & Craft Night, 153 N 78th St 
Friday December 13, 6:00 – 9:00pm

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