Phinney Ridge Community Council meeting on Tuesday: discussion on neighborhood outreach for development

by | Nov 3, 2019

This month’s meeting will feature a recap of the October D6 Candidate Forum, as well as guest speakers from the Department of Neighborhoods and Department of Construction.

The Department of Neighborhoods (DON) is now assisting developers with community outreach. Rules have changed recently and now there are even fewer requirements for developers to have public meetings to “simplify the permit process” on smaller projects. Other medium-sized projects invite only written comments.   

A number of upcoming Phinney Ridge projects proposed for south of N 80th St. fall into these categories. The purpose of this discussion with DON is to understand the new modified rules and find out how to best make constructive comments on these projects so that they enhance our neighborhood character.

You can find the complete agenda for the meeting here.

Phinney Ridge Community Council November meeting
Tuesday November 5, 7pm
Phinney Neighborhood Center – 6532 Phinney Ave N

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