Trade your gently used books for something new! Meet other readers, get recommendations, and enjoy tasty treats. Five genres at one swap: Mysteries, Science fiction, Fantasy novels, Kids’ books, and Cookbooks. Don’t have books to exchange or want to buy more than you brought in? Purchase paperbacks for $1 and hardbacks for $2.
This will also be the kick-off for a Tampon/Pad Drive for students at Seattle Public Schools. Bring a box of tampons or pads to the Book Exchange and enter to win a raffle for $100 gift card to Phinney Books.
The PNA is partnering with Seattle T2P2— “Towers of Tampons & Pyramids of Pads”—a nonprofit that brings supplies to those in need. Help fill a big bin for those students who need access to these vital supplies. Can’t make the book exchange? You can donate the entire month of September. Collection bins will be located in the Phinney Center front lobby.
Saturday September 7, 11am – 2pm
Phinney Center Blue Building – 6532 Phinney Ave N.