Garden enthusiasts can enter online to win the chance to purchase Zoo Doo and Bedspread during Woodland Park Zoo’s Fall Fecal Fest. Both mixes—perfect for growing veggies and annuals—contain fully composted blends of select animal manures mixed with either straw bedding or woodchip and wood shavings. Prized and fought over by Seattle gardeners for decades, Zoo Doo is an excellent addition to any garden and has a wide range of botanical benefits.
Kaitlyn Welzen – known as “Dr Doo” and the “PM of BM” around the Zoo – relayed that about one half to one third of entrants get Zoo Doo every year, with about 300 of the 600 entrants winning this sweet and aromatic prize last earlier this year.
You can enter the lottery here, and the process takes about 30 seconds.