Excellent weather expected for PNA Summer Beer Taste this Saturday

by | Jul 11, 2019

Highly regarded within the local brewing industry, the PNA’s 14th annual Summer Beer Taste is coming up on Saturday 7/13. Meet the people behind your favorite brews, chat with fellow enthusiasts, hang with your friends, and sample from new and favorite breweries alike.

The event includes ten (quite generous) tastes from 32 local microbreweries and cideries, plus pub snacks.

Saturday, July 13, 2019 from 4pm – 7pm. Get tickets here.

PNA member: $25 (not a member? Learn about it/sign up)
General Public: $30
Designated Driver: $10 (includes unlimited non-alcoholic beverages + snacks + the awesomeness that you’re getting your friends home safe!)

Proceeds support PNA’s nonprofit programs for seniors, kids, people in need, and the entire community!

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