Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections issues Determination of Non-Significance for environmental concerns at 9225 Aurora Ave. N.

by | Oct 17, 2018

Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections has issued a Determination of Non-Significance for environmental concerns for the proposal to turn an existing wrecking yard at 9225 Aurora Ave. N. into a new location for Handy Andy Rent-A-Truck, which is currently located several blocks north.

Project #3026342-LU would change the 25,370 square foot parcel to allow display of rental equipment and vehicle repair, includes a one-story building for general manufacturing of concrete, and alterations to an existing building. A portion of one building and a total of three buildings would be demolished. Surface parking for six vehicles would be provided.

The Determination of Non-Significance can be appealed through Oct. 29.

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