Greenwood Car Show, pancake breakfast, beer garden for charity, blues and more in Greenwood-Phinney Ridge this weekend

by | Jun 29, 2018

Here’s what’s happening in Greenwood and Phinney Ridge this weekend. Check our Events calendar any time for more.
Phinney Farmers Market is from 3:30-7:30 p.m. Friday in the upper parking lot of the Phinney Neighborhood Association, 6532 Phinney Ave. N. Fresh veggies, fruit, bread, flowers, beer, wine, cider, meat, cheese and lots more, plus several dining options.
About 40,000 people are expected to descend on Greenwood Avenue on Saturday for the annual Greenwood Car Show, which will bring more than 700 classic cars, vintage hydroplanes, antique fire trucks and police cars and more rumbling through the neighborhood. Traffic and parking will, obviously, be nutty, so be patient and enjoy the gorgeous vehicles and fun people watching. As part of the Car Show, the Greenwood Senior Center is having a fundraising pancake breakfast, Winderemere Realty is hosting a beer garden for charity, Naked City Brewer is hosting its annual Beer Can Derby (and Root Beer Can Derby for the kids), and FamilyWorks is collection donations of non-perishable food and cash for the Greenwood Food Bank. See our Car Show post from Wednesday for complete details.
Naked City Brewery & Taphouse, 8564 Greenwood Ave. N. presents Simon Kornelis playing stripped down folk and blues as part of The Naked Sessions acoustic concert series at 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are $10.
Woodland Park Zoo celebrates Red, White & Zoo this weekend with special treats for the animals.

Photo by Dennis Dow, Woodland Park Zoo.

First Sundays Blues Open Jam Session at 7 p.m. Sunday at Couth Buzzard Books, 8310 Greenwood Ave. N.
Traffic-wise this weekend:

  • Seattle Sounders vs. Portland Timbers at 1:30 p.m. Saturday.
  • Mariners play Kansas City at 7:10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, and 1:10 p.m. Sunday.
  • Opening ceremony for 2018 Special Olympics starts at 11 .m. Sunday at Husky Stadium, kicking off six days of competition and special events.
  • A reminder that Metro Transit is changing its fare structure beginning Sunday, with a new flat fare of $2.75 for adults no matter the time of day or distance traveled. (The new fare doesn’t affect Metro riders who pay youth, senior, disabled or low-income fares.)

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