Just a reminder that the Select Committee on Citywide Mandatory Housing Affordability will hold a public hearing on proposed zoning changes for housing in Districts 5 and 6 at 6 p.m. Monday, March 12, at the Northgate Community Center, 10510 5th Ave. NE., in the Multi-Purpose Room. (Phinney Ridge and Greenwood are in District 6.)
The proposed legislation would amend Seattle’s land use and zoning code to apply Mandatory Housing Affordability requirements “in existing multifamily and commercial zones in Seattle, areas currently zoned Single Family in existing urban villages, and areas zoned Single Family in potential urban village expansion areas identified in the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Planning process.”
Sign-up sheets to speak at Monday’s public hearing will be available starting at 5:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided.
Among other things, the changes would require new commercial or multi-family development in the affected zones to contribute to affordable housing, and add development capacity in the form of an increase in the amount of allowed height and/or floor area.
You can send written comments on the proposal until the full City Council takes final action, likely in July, by email to Spencer Williams in Councilmember Rob Johnson’s office, at [email protected].