Ladies Musical Club performs free concert of songs by Chausson and Wolf on Feb. 24 in Greenwood

by | Feb 5, 2018

Ladies Musical Club brings its free concert series to Music Center of the Northwest, 901 N. 96th St., at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24. The chorus will perform songs by Ernest Chausson and Hugo Wolf.
The 90-minute program includes intermission and refreshments after.
Songs by Ernest Chausson (1855–1899) include: Le Charme (Charm); SĂ©rĂ©nade (Serenade); Les Papillons (Butterflies); Le Colibri (Hummingbird). Songs by Hugo Wolf (1860–1904) include: Um Mitternacht (At midnight)’; Nachtzauber (Night magic); Ein StĂ¼ndlein wohl vor Tag (A little lesson before day).

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