Gumshoe 5K Walk fundraiser ending Sunday, join others for ‘Procrastishoe’ Sunday at 3 p.m.

by | Aug 16, 2017

Our neighborhood’s annual Gumshoe 5K Walk fundraiser is in its final days (it was extended by one week because of air quality and heat concerns), and will end this Sunday, Aug. 20.

This Gumshoe group was out on Tuesday, bright yellow/green entry forms in hand. Photo courtesy of the Gumshoe.

The traditional “Procrastishoe” is set for 3 p.m. Sunday, starting at Ken’s Market. Join a group of other procrastinators to do the walk and solve the clues before the 6 p.m. deadline. Gumshoe Answer Man Mike Veitenhans will trail behind the group, muttering clues if the group gets stuck.

You can still do it on your own by purchasing your $20 entry form at Ken’s Market, Couth Buzzard Books or the Phinney Center, then following the 30 clues for a fun and interesting journey through Phinney Ridge and Greenwood. Turn in your completed entry form and be entered to win a gift card from local businesses.

All profits go to the Greenwood Senior Center, Greenwood Elementary School PTA and Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church Food Bank.

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