Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections has extended the time period to comment on environmental issues related to Handy Andy Rent-A-Truck’s proposal to move from 10702 Aurora Ave. N. to 9225 Aurora Ave N.
The project would change an existing wrecking yard to 25,370 square feet of outdoor display of rental equipment and vehicle repair, add a one-story building for general manufacturing, 1,900 cubic yards of grading of contaminated soil, and alterations to an existing building. Three buildings would be demolished, plus a portion of another building.
The new site is predicted to generate about 500 vehicle trips per day, which has caused concern from some neighbors, especially because a new school campus will open this fall just a block away.
The original comment period ended April 26, but the application has been resubmitted and the new deadline is June 5. You can comment online here, or by emailing [email protected]; be sure and mention project #3026342.