A neighborhood group called Livable Phinney has appealed the city’s approval for the Phinney Flats development at 6726 Greenwood Ave. N. (where The Goat on Greenwood – formerly Stumbling Goat – is now and Ed’s Kort Haus used to be). The hearing starts at 9 a.m. tomorrow (Tuesday) at the Office of the Hearing Examiner, Room 400, 40th Floor of the Seattle Municipal Building, 700 Fifth Ave., Seattle. The hearing is open to the public.
Phinney Flats will have 55 Small Efficiency Dwelling Units (tiny studios), two live-work units, retail on the ground floor, and no parking. It has generated quite a bit of opposition from neighbors worried about parking and traffic, as well those who say it’s too dense and too close to neighboring homes.
You can see full details on the hearing here as well as links to all documents filed in the appeal.