Community open house on proposed zoning changes for affordable housing is April 27

by | Mar 23, 2017

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is hosting a series of community open houses to explain proposed zoning changes to create more affordable housing.

The NW Seattle community open house is from 6-8 pm. on Thursday, April 27, at Hale’s Ales Brewery, 4301 Leary Way NW, in The Palladium (enter from the back side closest to Fred Meyer).

City of Seattle staff will have maps and more information regarding proposed zoning changes for Greenwood, Phinney Ridge, Bitter Lake, Aurora/Licton Springs, Ballard, Crown Hill, and NE 130th.

Representatives will be on hand from the following city departments and projects: Age Friendly Seattle (Human Services Department); Design Review (Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections); Ship Canal Water Quality (Seattle Public Utilities); Open Space Plan (Office of Planning & Community Development); Democracy Vouchers (Ethics & Elections Commission); Neighborhoods Streets and Greenways Projects (Seattle Department of Transportation); and Mandatory Housing Affordability (Office of Planning & Community Development/Office of Housing).

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