Seattle Parks unveils final design for new park by Greenwood Library

by | Feb 3, 2017

Seattle Parks and Recreation has unveiled its final design for the new park coming to the block directly north of the Greenwood Library.
After several community meetings and input through online surveys, the final design provides natural play spaces for children (including a nature trail), picnic seating, digging area, reading nook, dog “stations” and an elevated crosswalk to connect it to the Greenwood Library.

Total cost for development of the site, which takes the entire east side of the block of Greenwood Avenue North between North 81st and 82nd streets, is $1,073,285. But it will be done in two phases. The Parks Department originally acquired the south parcel (where a small strip mall contained several businesses), then later acquired the north parcel (where Bleacher’s Pub was). Parks currently has enough money to develop the south parcel (estimated construction costs of $573,285) but not the north parcel (estimated construction costs of $500,00). The north parcel will have primarily lawn for the time being, until more funding is acquired.
Seattle Department of Transportation will provide $65,906 for the raised crosswalk across North 81st Street to connect it to the library. The raised crosswalk is essentially a large speed bump.
All buildings on the site will be demolished between March and May this year. Construction will take place from January through May 2018.

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