News roundup: Nutty Squirrel expanding, PNA jobs and wine taste, Licton Springs K-8 tours, several opportunities to provide input to the city

by | Feb 6, 2017

Here’s a roundup of various news from around the neighborhood and beyond.

Our sister site Magnolia Voice reports that Nutty Squirrel Gelato is expanding from Phinney Ridge and Maple Valley to Magnolia.

The Phinney Neighborhood Association’s Wine Taste is from 7:30-10 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 25, at 6532 Phinney Ave. N., in the Blue Building. Tickets are $25 for PNA members, $30 general, and $10 for designated drivers. 21+ only. You’ll get 10 tastes of wine, appetizers and live music.

Speaking of the PNA, they’re looking for a new Development Director and Facilities Director.

Seattle Public Utilities is updating its Strategic Business Plan, which guides its investments and service levels, and is asking for customer feedback on issues such as planning for the future, and how to improve service delivery. You can take an online survey here. Or you can attend a community meeting. The closest one to our neighborhood is from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 7, at the North Transfer Station, 1350 N. 34th St., near Gas Works Park.

Licton Springs K-8 will be moving into the new Robert Eagle Staff Middle School Building at 1330 N. 90th St. when it opens this fall. The small choice school has spent the past three years in an interim location. It will be located in Eagle Staff’s south wing, with a separate entrance and play area.

School tours are scheduled for 9:30-10:30 a.m. on Feb. 6, 8, 13 and 15 at the school’s current location in the south wing of the Lincoln Building, 4400 Interlake Ave. N., in Wallingford. Licton Springs K-8 is open to any student in Seattle Public Schools.

Licton Springs K-8 is dynamic, creative, and student centered school, dedicated to equality, social justice, and Native American experience. Formerly known as Pinehurst K-8, and before that Alternative School #1, Licton Springs K-8 been providing students with a hands-on, project based, social-justice curriculum since 1970, and a Native-centered curriculum since 2013.

Bus transportation is provided for students in the Broadview-Thompson, Northgate, Greenwood, Bagley, and Olympic View Elementary attendance areas. Limited transportation may be available for students living in the Jane Addams or Eckstein middle-school service areas. SPS provided ORCA cards are available for any student in grade 6-8 who is more than 2 miles from the school, anywhere in the city.

The city wants public input on how to spend $2 million of its budget on small-scale physical improvement projects in Seattle’s parks and on its streets. Ideas could be play equipment or picnic tables in parks, or traffic circles or medians. See the Your Voice Your Choice webpage for more information or to submit an idea.

The city also has created a Community Involvement Commission, which will help guide City departments to be more equitable and inclusive.

Equitable and inclusive community involvement? What does that mean? It means that all residents can easily access information that is clear, relevant, and tailored to their communities. It means that they can access it on their own terms and in their own language. It means that there are clear and simple processes for residents to provide public input and participate in decision-making. It means that all residents feel like they are partners and collaborators with the City and that City projects and programs are done for and with them rather than to them.

The Commission will be comprised of 16 equity champions who will work to ensure that our City departments are creating and implementing equitable engagement strategies that lead to more relevant and impactful public participation.

More information and applications are online. The deadline for applications is March 1.

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