Advertise for the holidays on PhinneyWood

by | Dec 2, 2016

If you’re a local business owner and want to reach thousands of customers right here in our neighborhood, consider PhinneyWood’s advertising options:

  • Display ad (rotates randomly through ad positions, 6 on right side of page and 1 on left) – 180 x 180 pixels: $150 per month.
  • Display ad, fixed position below the third story on the home page — 300 x 250 pixels: $300 per month.
  • Banner ad (below our masthead at the top of the page) — 970 x 35 pixels: $500 per month.

With any size ad, we offer a 5% discount for three months and a 10% discount for six months. Phinney Neighborhood Association Business Group Members receive 10% off (in addition to three- and six-month discounts, if applicable; does not apply to graphic design services).

For more information, see our Advertising FAQ page.

Please also note our sponsored Real Estate tab below the banner ad. Our Real Estate sponsor is Seattle Home Savvy. Let us know if you’re interested in sponsoring another specialty link.

If you’re interested in advertising, please email our advertising manager, Jenni Sandmeyer, at [email protected].

Thank you to all our sponsors for supporting PhinneyWood!

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