The developers of the “Shared Roof” project coming to 7009 Greenwood Ave. N. have asked the city to rezone the land from Neighborhood Commercial 2-40 to Neighborhood Commercial 2-65. The height increase up to 65 feet will allow a five-story building with 33 apartment units, ground level retail and below-grade parking for 28 vehicles.
The original proposal was for a six-story building, but the developer scaled that back to five stories after the first Early Design Guidance meeting in August.
Comments on the rezone and any environmental impacts will be accepted through Jan. 22 (the comment period was just extended after the Phinney Ridge Community Council asked for an additional 14 days beyond the original Jan. 8 comment date).
The Phinney Ridge Community Council will discuss the potential height rezone at its meting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 3, at the Phinney Neighborhood Association, 6532 Phinney Ave. N.