Next ‘Think & Drink’ at Naked City explores political cartooning

by | Oct 31, 2016

The next Humanities Washington-sponsored “Think & Drink” at Naked City Brewery is the night before the election. “Drawing Ire: Political Cartooning in Uncertain times” explores how the centuries-old tradition of political cartooning speaks to our modern, divided society.

We are drowning in memes, gifs, and YouTube clips that give us near-instant commentary and humor on political events and issues. What do political cartoons offer that other forms of expression do not, especially in this time of major political and racial divisions?

In the run-up to the 2016 election, join Humanities Washington for an exploration of how the most charged topics of the day—from racial divisions to political polarization—are being reflected through the lens of political cartooning. What should and shouldn’t be off-limits?

The event will feature Milt Priggee and A.F. Branco, both nationally syndicated cartoonists, political opposites, and friends. Both artists will also be live drawing during the event.

Think & Drink starts at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 7, at Naked City Brewery and Taphouse, 8564 Greenwood Ave. N.

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