The Phinney Ridge Community Council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, 6532 Phinney Ave. N.
The bulk of the meeting will be devoted to discussing neighborhood development projects, including Phinney Flats, at 6726 Greenwood Ave. N., which will have 55 small studio apartments, two live/work units, ground-floor retail, and no parking; and a six-story apartment building at 7009 Greenwood Ave. N., which is asking for a rezone to significantly raise height limits from 40 feet to 65 feet.
PRCC also will discuss the city’s proposed Backyard Cottage legislation and Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda, and talk about a draft survey of neighborhood parking strategies.
PRCC President Alice Poggi attached this note to the meeting’s agenda:
Dear Neighbors,
At our Tuesday meeting will have updates on the proposed projects along The Ridge and the policies being proposed by the City that will change the “sense of place” in neighborhoods throughout the City.
Many of you attended recent public meetings on two major projects in our neighborhood. Phinney Flats is proposed at 68th and Greenwood with 57 small, studio apartments and no parking. The other is nearby at 70th and Greenwood. The developers have asked for permission to build 65 feet high in a zone that currently allows 40 feet. The status of both of these projects will be explained as well as next steps.
In addition, the City is proposing several new policies that would change how new developments interface with single family homes. It is important that we all are informed so that we can effectively influence the changes. The Mandatory Housing and Affordability (MHA) policy of “The Grand Bargain” which is prominent in the news, would allow an increase in height of new developments. On Phinney Ridge that would mean increasing allowable heights from 40 feet with a 4-foot bonus, to 55 feet with the same bonus. Another piece of legislation is about Backyard Cottages which are currently allowed and regulated. The new proposal melts away the regulations that keep them at “cottage” size and it could allow increased height, no parking, and structures in other places on a lot besides the backyard. This essentially dissolves the concept of single family lots.
These projects and policies are controversial and I believe it is important that we as residents understand the implications and participate in the feedback to the City Council as they review these options.
For more info, visit
Alice Poggi, PRCC President