Public meeting for Phinney Flats on July 25, then Design Review Recommendation Meeting on Aug. 1

by | Jul 15, 2016

Seattle’s Department of Construction & Inspections is hosting a public meeting about the proposed Phinney Flats project at 6726 Greenwood Ave. N. The meeting is scheduled for 6:30-8 p.m. on Monday, July 25, at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, 6532 Phinney Ave. N., in Room 7 of the Blue Building.

That public meeting will be followed a week later by a Design Review Board Recommendation Meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 1, at Ballard Community Center, 6020 28th Ave. NW, in the Sunset/Captain Ballard Room.

The July 25 public meeting is because DCI wants to “discuss policy and Code background and to gather comments on the project.”

Phinney Flats would demolish the building currently housing Stumbling Goat Bistro and Ed’s Kort Haus, and replace it with a four-story building containing 55 small efficiency dwelling units above two live/work units and 3,900 square feet of commercial space, and no parking.

You can see the January design proposal here. An updated proposal is not yet on DCI’s website.

You can comment on site planning and design issues through Aug. 1 by emailing [email protected]. Mention Project #3020114. A separate environmental review will be triggered.

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