City survey asks about “legacy” businesses lost or in danger of closing

by | Jun 14, 2016

The City of Seattle is conducting an online survey to learn about neighborhood businesses that serve as community gathering spots that have closed or are in danger of closing.

Seattle is a dynamic, growing city, replete with opportunity. But as the city develops, occasionally it loses longtime businesses (restaurants, bars, theaters, etc.) that are beloved to its residents—or an atmosphere is created that threatens to displace them. To that end, we’d love it if you would fill out a very short survey which tells us a bit about the businesses that serve as community gathering spots in your neighborhood that you’ve loved and lost—or fear may be in peril—so as to create an atmosphere in which they might better thrive going forward.

The survey results will help the Mayor’s Commercial Affordability Taskforce to determine what policies or funding support could help preserve the city’s iconic small businesses.

The survey asks the following questions:

  • Which closed business(es) do you miss?
  • Where was it located?
  • Do you know why it went out of business?
  • Why was this business important to you?
  • Is there a business you fear may go away? Why?

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