Apply for mini grants for Safe Routes to School projects

by | Apr 5, 2016

Seattle Department of Transportation is now accepting applications for mini grants of up to $1,000 to fund projects that educate students about pedestrian and bicycle safety and encourage walking and biking to school. These grants are open to public and private schools, PTAs, and other non-profit organizations.

Mini Grants can fund a wide range of projects and programs at schools that improve conditions for walkers and bikers, educate kids on safety walking and biking behaviors, or encourage more kids to ride their bikes or walk to school. Examples of projects funded in the past include student safety patrol equipment, crossing flags, after school bike clubs, traffic circulation plans, walking school buses, bike trains, bike rodeos, and bike and walk to school campaigns.
Visit our website to download the application or apply online. In addition to the application, a letter of support from the school principal must be mailed or emailed by the application due date. For questions, please contact Ashley Rhead at [email protected]. Completed applications are due April 30th, 2016 by 5pm. Applicants will be notified of awards the first week of June 2016 and funds will be distributed in July 2016.

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