Naked City Brewery packed tonight for Greenwood fundraiser

by | Mar 11, 2016

Update Friday: Naked City Facebooked this today:

We blew twelve kegs of Greenwood Phoenix Golden Ale.
We raised $8125 in beer sales for the relief fund.
We raised $3474 in donations for the relief fund.
In total, we raised $11,599 in one day for the relief fund.
Love you all. Together, we are a phoenix.

Earlier: Naked City Brewery has been hosting a fundraiser all day today to support businesses destroyed and damaged in yesterday’s explosion. $1 from every pint of the specially brewed Greenwood Phoenix Golden Ale is going to the Phinney Neighborhood Association’s Greenwood Relief Fund.

At 8:30 p.m., the inside was completely packed, with people standing outside.


And more people were in the beer garden.


A number of other businesses are hosting fundraisers in the coming days. The PNA has a special web page with a long list of fundraisers and donation sites (some of those donation sites will match funds up to a certain amount). Many of the locations are in Greenwood and Phinney Ridge, but others are in Ballard, Magnolia and throughout the rest of the city. As of tonight, there are nearly 30 fundraising opportunities, but please check the list often as they are adding to it continuously.

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