Gumshoe scavenger hunt needs new nonprofit partner to help and share in proceeds

by | Feb 22, 2016

The annual Gumshoe scavenger hunt needs one more partner nonprofit to help it get the word out and share in the proceeds. In the past, the Gumshoe has split the proceeds among three neighborhood nonprofits: Greenwood Elementary School PTA, Greenwood Senior Center, and the Greenwood Food Bank, in exchange for each nonprofit’s help. The food bank is not part of that triad this year.

The Senior Center’s parent organization, the Phinney Neighborhood Association, provides logistical support and event insurance, while Greenwood Elementary carries the Gumshoe banner in the Greenwood Seafair Parade each July. A new partner is needed to help distribute more than 200 posters and flyers throughout the neighborhood and in nearby neighborhoods. Each Gumshoe partner receives $1,500-$2,000 each year, depending on the event’s proceeds.

PhinneyWood readers can email their non-profit “nominations” to [email protected].

The 11th annual Gumshoe is Aug. 5-14 this year.

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