The neighborhood disaster preparedness group PhinneyWood Hubs has rescheduled its January meeting to 7 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 25, at Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, 7500 Greenwood Ave. N, in the Fellowship Hall downstairs. (The meeting was postponed from Jan. 11 because it conflicted with a Design Review Board meeting on a proposed development at 6726 Greenwood Ave. N. that has many neighbors upset because it would have no parking.)
This meeting will launch the “Unified Neighborhood Response” program, which brings together households, Block teams, and Hubs in a coordinated system to respond to a major earthquake or other disaster.
The meeting will feature:
- Reports From the Field: Block Leaders report on work with their neighbors
- Household Preparedness – The Foundation: Presentation/discussion with local expert Kelly Kasper
- Practice & Training: We will evaluate proposed new procedures for Blocks and Hubs in a small-group breakout session.
This is the first in a series of monthly meetings leading up to a full scale neighborhood exercise in June 2016. PhinneyWood Hubs will participate in the national level “Cascadia Rising” exercise, which will involve federal, state, and local agencies in a functional drill to practice response to a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake.
Residents of any neighborhood are welcome to attend this free meeting.