Reminder: Early Design Guidance meeting for 2 side-by-side apartment buildings in Greenwood is Monday

by | Nov 13, 2015

This is a reminder that the Department of Planning and Development is holding an Early Design Guidance meeting on Monday, Nov. 16, for two side-by-side apartment projects at the corner of Greenwood Avenue North and North 90th Street.
Project 3018316 at 9002 Greenwood Ave. N. would demolish the currently empty alterations building and construct a four-story building with 37 small efficiency dwelling units, and include parking for 18 vehicles.
Project 3019797 directly to the east at 308 N. 90th St., would demolish a single-family home and build a four-story building with 26 small efficiency dwelling units, plus parking for 13 vehicles.


9002 Greenwood Ave. N. is on the left; 308 N. 90th St. is up the hill to the right, mostly covered by trees and brush.

The Early Design Guidance meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16, at the Ballard Community Center, 6020 28th Ave. NW, in the Sunset/Captain Ballard Room. You can also comment on site planning and design issues through Nov. 16 by emailing [email protected]. Be sure to include the project number.

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