Neighborhood news roundup: Theater, low-power radio station volunteers needed, food bank donation, home health assessment, city capital projects information, voters guide

Taproot Theatre is extending its production of “Dracula” by one week, through Oct. 31. And tickets to its Christmas shows, “This Christmas” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” are now on sale. The city’s new low-power community radio stations are working on getting up...

Upcoming candidate forums, debates

Folks have several upcoming opportunities to find out more about candidates and issues on the November ballot. Next Monday, Oct. 12, at 7 p.m. at Taproot Theatre, 204 N. 85th St., Greenwood Community Council is hosting a forum with candidates from City Council...

Pig Out to Root Out Hunger is today!

Our neighborhood’s annual Pig Out to Root Out Hunger is happening all day today (Wednesday). Eat at any of the participating businesses, and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Phinney Neighborhood Association’s Hot Meal Program. Participating businesses will...