Networking Dropout Hour at Works Progress today as part of Seattle Startup Week

by | Oct 27, 2015

Works Progress, a co-working space at 115 N. 85th St., Suite 208, is hosting a Networking Dropout Hour from 4:30-6 p.m. today (Tuesday), as part of Seattle Startup Week.

Startup Week is a five day celebration of the thriving Seattle Startup community. There are many free events around the topic of entrepreneurship and growing your business. For a schedule of events in downtown Seattle, you can go here:

In Greenwood, Works Progress, our neighborhood coworking space, is hosting the Networking Dropout Hour for all those folks that live up north and want a chance to network, but also want a head start on getting home! Get connected at this event with some light cocktails and wine – meet coworking members and ask questions about the benefits of a shared work space for your start-up.

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