Greenwood Avenue North is closed to vehicles from North 70th to 87th streets for today’s huge annual Summer Streets event. More than 50 family-friendly activities are happening all along the street, including a canine agility course, two music stages, a smoke-off at Martino’s Smoke Shop, dance and karate demonstrations, pianos to play, arts and crafts, and more.
Plus, the Greenwood Street Soccer Tournament happens all day until 7 p.m., with hundreds of soccer players in 3-on-3 matches between 85th and 87th streets. Registration fees, raffle proceeds and $1 per pint of beer purchased at Naked City Brewery goes to the Fred Hutch Innovators Network.
You can see the music schedule here. And the full activity map here.
North 80th and 85th streets remain open to east-west traffic. Traffic officers are on hand to help pedestrians cross safely.
See you on the streets!