Here’s a roundup of neighborhood news.
Greenwood’s nonprofit tutoring and writing center, 826 Seattle, will open registration for fall workshops on Monday at 8 a.m. Many workshops fill up quickly so register early. (The website calendar will be empty until registration goes live at 8 a.m.) 826 Seattle also will host two College Entrance Essay Marathon sessions this fall. High school juniors and seniors can drop in with a partially finished essay – or one that’s not even started, and get some mentoring help. Sessions are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 8, at Ballard High School; and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 9, at 826 Seattle (a.k.a. Greenwood Space Travel & Supply Co., at 8414 Greenwood Ave. N.) High school tutoring is available on a drop-in basis from 6-8 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Tutoring for 1st through 8th grades is full, but they are accepting wait list applications.
The fourth annual Dick’s Drive-In Change For Charity walk from Edmonds to all six Dick’s locations raised more than $2,000 for nonprofit organizations helping the homeless. Nineteen participants walked 22 miles in about 10 hours. Participants and customers raised more than $1,000, which Dick’s Drive-In matched. The money will go to Dick’s Change For Charity Partners: Mary’s Place, First Place School, FareStart, ROOTS Young Adult Shelter, The Compass Center, Operation Nightwatch, St. Martin de Porres Shelter, and Cocoon House.
Photo Credit: Larry Vogel, My Edmonds News.
PEPS (The Program for Early Parent Support) is looking for one or more Little Peppers assistants for its Greenwood and Wallingford PEPS meetings. The Greenwood meeting is from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Tuesdays, from Sept. 23 through Dec. 2, at All That Dance at 320 N. 85th St.
This is a great role for someone who is available during the day (without children in tow) and wants to make a little money and hang out with cute toddlers. We pay $30 for each meeting, and the gist of the role is to engage the toddlers in the groups while their parents tend to their newborns and have a discussion. We’d love to find a few helpers who could consistently help with these groups through the school year (Little Peppers Groups are scheduled every quarter, so after the round this fall, they’ll begin again in January and April).
If you are interested, please contact Cate Palmer, PEPS Volunteer manager, at catep AT
The deadline for the city’s Neighborhood Matching Fund’s Small and Simple Projects Fund is Monday, Oct. 6. The fund provides matching awards of up to $25,000 to neighborhood groups and community organizations for community-building projects. To get an overview of the Neighborhood Matching Fund and the application process and requirements, attend one of two workshops. The nearest to our neighborhood is at Northgate Community Center, 10510 5th Ave. NE, from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 16. To RSVP call 206-733-9916 or go online at Childcare and interpreters can be arranged when you RSVP and request these services at least 72 hours in advance.
The MMSC Day School has opened at 8420 Dayton Ave. N. Here’s their mission statement:
The mission of MMSC is to instill the values to build the character which fosters a child’s Jewish identity. Within a warm nurturing environment, we provide excellence in Judaic and secular education to a diverse community of Jewish children. As a school we foster self-esteem and social skills, cultivate active members of the Jewish community and develop responsible citizens.
You can still buy Community Solar units produced by solar arrays at the Phinney Neighborhood Association and the Woodland Park Zoo. Units cost $150. The zoo’s panels are being installed on the Rain Forest Food Pavilion this week. With a third solar array on the zoo’s Commissary building, they will provide almost 75 kilowatts of solar electricity to our energy. It is the largest community solar project in Washington State. (Note: Community Solar is a PhinneyWood sponsor.)
Naked City Brewery & Taphouse has announced its fall lineup for its Naked Sessions Concert Series at 8564 Greenwood Ave. N. Each concert begins at 8 p.m. and costs $10. Tickets are available in advance at Brown Paper Tickets.
- Galen Disston from Pickwick – Saturday, Sept. 27
- Tomo Nakayama – Saturday, Oct. 25
- Anna Tivel – Saturday, Nov. 22
The King County Assessor’s Office has mailed 2014 Residential Valuation Notices to property owners in Area 42, which includes Phinney Ridge.
Area 42 residential property values generally increased by +13.8% but individual property values might vary. The Assessor’s Office will continue to mail out more than 600,000 residential and commercial valuation notices to taxpayers throughout the rest of King County between September and October.
Residential property is assessed each year at 100 percent of its true and fair market value in money, which is defined by Washington State law as the amount of money that a willing and unobligated buyer is willing to pay a willing and unobligated seller. Residential values are determined based on multiple sales of similar properties.
The King County Assessor’s Office annually revalues all properties and conducts a physical inspection on each property once every six years. The last physical inspection of the Phinney Ridge/Fremont area was conducted in 2013.
Assessor Lloyd Hara would like to remind all property owners to carefully review the information contained in the valuation notice. If you feel a mistake has been made in valuing your property, it is recommended that you contact the Assessor’s Office directly before filing an appeal at 206-296-7300 or
Property owners can review their property information online using eReal Property and review our Area Reports on the Assessor’s homepage at or with the Assessor’s staff to make sure an error has not been made. King County allows 60 days from the valuation’s postmark date to file an appeal with the King County Board of Equalizations.
Some low-income seniors, disabled veterans, or disabled persons retired because of a disability might be eligible for a property tax deferral or exemption. The King County Assessor’s Office encourages you or those you know to contact our office to determine eligibility.For King County taxpayers who need advice and assistance on property tax related matters, including appeals, contact the King County Tax Advisor at 206-477-1060 or by email [email protected]