Beginning Monday, local gardeners can enter for the chance to win some of Woodland Park Zoo’s prized Zoo Doo during its Fall Fecal Fest. Entries for the lottery drawing will be accepted from Aug. 18-Sept. 7.
Pick up where the animals left off. Zoo Doo is the richest, most prized compost in the Pacific Northwest. Composed of species feces contributed by the zoo’s non-primate herbivores such as elephants, hippos, giraffes and more, Zoo Doo is perfect to grow your veggies and annuals.
Bedspread, the zoo’s premium composted mulch, is a combination of Zoo Doo, sawdust, and large amounts of wood chips. Bedspread is used to cushion perennial beds and woody landscapes including rose beds, shrubs and pathways.
Entries are only accepted online. Dr. Doo will notify winners only after Sept. 7. Pick-up dates are Sept. 20 through Oct. 2. Winners must load their own compost.
Prices for either Zoo Doo or Bedspread: Pick-up truck 8×4 bed – $60; 6×4 bed – $45; 6×3 bed – $35. Limit one full truck per person. Garbage cans: $8 – $10 depending on size; bags: $4 – $6 depending on size. Two-gallon and pint-sized buckets are available anytime at the ZooStore for $12.95 and $4.95, respectively.
For more information, call 206-625-POOP or visit the zoo’s website.