5 more days to do the Gumshoe — (and please respect private property)

by | Aug 6, 2014

The annual Gumshoe scavenger hunt has sent lots of people scouring the neighborhood for clues for a chance to win prizes from neighborhood businesses. But Gumshoe organizer Mike Veitenhans wants to remind participants not to go on to someone’s private property.

The answers to all clues are visible from public thoroughfares — please do not step onto private property in your quest for answers!”

The Gumshoe raises money for three neighborhood nonprofits: Greenwood Food Bank, Greenwood Senior Center and Greenwood Elementary School PTA. Completed scavenger hunt forms are entered into a drawing to win a gift card for one of several neighborhood businesses.

Entry forms are $20 each (or $15 each if you buy two or more at a time) and are available at Couth Buzzard Books (8310 Greenwood Ave. N.), Ken’s Market (7231 Greenwood Ave. N.), Phinney Ridge Starbucks (316 N. 67th St.), or the Phinney Neighborhood Association, 6532 Phinney Ave. N. Completed entry forms must be turned in by 6 p.m. Sunday to Couth Buzzard, Ken’s Market or Starbucks to qualify for the prize drawing.

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