Car broken into and items still missing, other items found from likely car prowl, bikes stolen from porch

by | Feb 19, 2014

Jenny tells us she found a blue denim polka-dot bag at North 64th Street and Dayton Avenue North on Monday. Clothes and food items were found out of the bag.  There was broken glass in the bottom of the bag that is likely from a broken car window. If you think the bag and items are yours, call Jenny at 206-799-5503.
Update: Debby says the empty bags were found. Earlier: Debby says her friend’s car was broken into at North 78th Street and Greenwood Avenue North on Sunday. “They took a couple bags and left a big rock and a lot of broken glass. We are hoping the thieves took the stuff and tossed the bags. If anyone sees a white LLBean bag with the name Marilyn on it or a purple backpack with possibly two library books in it, please let me know.” Email Debby at
And Tim just told us someone stole several items from outside his house on North 67th Street, opposite the Phinney Center parking lot, last Wednesday night. The thief/thieves took: a Novara Tronfeo bike; Marin ladies bike; Joe Blow floor pump; Vasque men’s hiking boots and Dansko women’s clogs. If you have any information, please email him at [email protected].

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