Greenwood Community Council meets tonight

by | Sep 17, 2013

The Greenwood Community Council meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Greenwood Library, 8016 Greenwood Ave. N. The main topic is “Would District Elections be Good for Neighborhoods?”

The November ballot will include a measure to switch to a district elections system to elect city council candidates. Currently all council positions are at large (city-wide). The proposed measure would maintain two at-large city-wide positions, and establish seven council districts for electing the remaining seven council-members.

So far there hasn’t been much public debate on this measure, but it would make a big change in how Seattle is governed. We’ll hear brief presentations from the pro- and con- campaigns, and take your questions. Then we’ll have a moderated discussion about what is the best way for neighborhoods to be heard at city hall.

Here’s the agenda:

  • 7:15 p.m.: League of Women Voters Overview of November issues — Ellen Barton, Seattle League President, will provide an overview of critical ballot measures on the November ballot, and provide the League’s perspective on those affecting good government including the district elections and campaign financing citywide ballot measures.
  • 7:35 p.m.: District Elections – Campaign Presentations Pro and Con — Eugene Wasserman will represent the pro campaign, and Marjorie Rhodes will represent the anti campaign. There will be time for your questions.
  • 8 p.m.: Open Discussion – How Can Neighborhoods be Heard at City Hall?

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