Woodland Park Zookeepers will go “Bowling for Rhinos’ on May 18 to save endangered black rhinos

by | May 8, 2013

Woodland Park Zookeepers and other members of the Puget Sound chapter of the American Association of Zoo Keepers (PSAAZK), will raise money for endangered black rhinos at the annual “Bowling for Rhinos” on May 18 at Lynnwood Bowl and Skate.

Matt Mills, giraffe keeper at WPZ, says they hope to raise $13,000. The money will be used for rhino conservation projects in Kenya and Indonesia.

Did you know that in 1970 it was estimated that there were approximately 65,000 black rhinos in Africa – but, by 1993, there were only 2,300 surviving in the wild, a 96% decrease? Intensive anti-poaching efforts have had encouraging results; but because the growing purchasing power of many Asian countries, and the existence of organized gangs of poachers who sell rhino horn to black market syndicates in some range countries, the poaching threat remains great and anti-poaching efforts must be continued and accelerated.

100% of all proceeds go directly to support Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (LWC) in Kenya, and Ujung Kulon, Bukit Barisan Selatan, and Way Kambas National Parks in Indonesia. LWC is a 65,000-acre sanctuary that protects black rhinos as well as other species from orchids to elephants residing within the sanctuary. Ujung Kulon National Park is home to the last 47 Javan rhinos in the entire world!! Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is a 3,500 square kilometer lush, lowland tropical rainforest where the Sumatran rhino, tiger, and Malayan sun bear live.

Registration is $25 and includes three hours of bowling, shoe rental and pizza. If you don’t want to bowl but would like to watch and eat pizza, the cost is $15. They will also have a party with trivia, games and a raffle. Bowlers are required to raise a minimum of $30 in donations.

Check out the Bowling for Rhinos Facebook page for more information, and a link to donate directly.

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