Greenwood Senior Center hosting open house for memory loss program The Gathering Place

by | Apr 4, 2013

The Greenwood Senior Center is hosting an open house for The Gathering Place, a weekly afternoon program for those living with early stage memory loss (ESML).
The open house is from 3:30-5 p.m. next Wednesday, April 10, at the Senior Center, 525 N. 85th St. It is for memory loss professionals, individuals diagnosed with an early stage memory loss, and family caregivers.

The Gathering Place is a warm, inviting community for those diagnosed with ESML. Meeting every Thursday from 1 – 4 PM, the program includes activities that build on strengths and engage mind and body. The afternoon begins with a time of sharing and updates from the week. Next participants review their homework, then spend a half hour exercising through yoga, qi gong or line dancing. Participants then enjoy refreshments and informal discussion. The day concludes with creative exploration via visual arts, theatre, improvisation, poetry or music and cognitive stimulation such as games, puzzles or other activities to engage the mind.
Participants form a community that offers structure, meaning and purpose to their lives.
This program, developed by the GSC’s social worker Carin Mack, MSW and Mari Becker, MSW, has been running for two years. Screening with Carin Mack is required before participation.
For further information call 206-297-0875.

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