Original editor behind our sister site Wedgwood View dies

by | Dec 22, 2012

The original editor of our sister site, Wedgwood View, has died after fighting cancer for more than two years.

From Wedgwood View:

On Sunday, Dec. 16, the original voice behind Wedgwood View, Wayne Wurzer, died at age 50 after a 2½-year battle with cancer.

As one of the faces behind All That Dance, 8507 35th Ave. N.E., where his wife, Maygan, teaches dance to children of all ages, Wayne was known throughout the community.

He was also known throughout the journalism world after working at both The Seattle Times and the Seattle P-I as a reporter and editor, which is what led him to start Wedgwood View in early 2010.

Just a few short months later Wayne was diagnosed with cancer, and he eventually stopped reporting for Wedgwood View to focus on getting better.

You can read more about Wayne in his obituary in The Seattle Times.

Our condolences to Wayne’s family and friends.

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