Neighborhood news roundup: youth basketball, solar energy, rapping seniors, literacy

by | Dec 29, 2012

The North Seattle Boys & Girls Club, at 8635 Fremont Ave. N., is starting up its winter basketball league in January. The league is for second- and third-graders, and is on Tuesdays. Registration is now open online or in person. For more information, contact Berhanu Mekonnen at [email protected] or 206-436.1850.

Phinney Estate Law collected 103 gifts for children at the YWCA Emergency Homeless Shelter in downtown Seattle, their most successful toy drive to date.

Go Solar Seattle NW is hosting another informational meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at the Greenwood Library, 8016 Greenwood Ave. N.

Seattle7Writers, a nonprofit collective of local published authors that raises money for literacy programs, is hosting its third annual Write Here Write Now conference for all writers, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 26, at the Fremont Abbey Arts Center, 4272 Fremont Ave. NW. One of the event’s beneficiaries is Greenwood’s 826 Seattle, a non-profit writing and tutoring center for children. More information and registration is available online.

Former Greenwood resident Dave Fox, a travel/humor author and writing coach who now lives in Singapore, is holding an informal happy hour from 7:30-9 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 2., at Naked City Brewery, 8564 Greenwood Ave. N. The happy hour is for Seattle-area readers of his books and website, and anyone who is interested in international travel or creative writing. More information is available online.

The Greenwood Senior Center and some of its members are featured in a very funny rap video called “Scrap the Cap,” about the income cap on social security.

The Queen Anne Quick Styx lacrosse program is recruiting girls in second- through eighth-grade for its March-June season. Registration costs between $50 and $200 depending on the program level, plus $25 US Lacrosse Membership fee. Registration deadline is Jan. 10.

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