Authors, authors everywhere at annual Holiday Book Signing at PNA

by | Nov 13, 2012

More than two dozen local authors will sign their books at Saturday’s annual Holiday Book Signing from 3-6 p.m. at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, 6532 Phinney Ave. N.

The event, by Seattle7Writers, showcases 26 local authors. Santoro’s Books will be selling the authors’ books onsite, with a portion of the proceeds from each purchase benefiting TeamReads and the PNA. The authors are even baking up cookies to share, and there will be an author reading every half-hour.

Authors on hand: Jamie Ford, Jim Lynch, Erik Larson, Garth Stein, Erica Bauermeister, Stephanie Kallos, Kevin O’Brien, Jennie Shortridge, Carol Cassella, Randy Sue Coburn, Laurie Frankel, Bob Dugoni, Sean Beaudoin, Dave Boling, Lynn Brunnelle, Suzanne Selfors, Deb Caletti, Boyd Morrison, Bernadette Pajer, Bharti Kirchner, William Dietrich, Mike Lawson, Tara Austen Weaver, Kaya McLaren, Clare Meeker, and Peter Mountford.

If you bring a gently-used book to donate to “pocket libraries” at food banks and homeless shelters, you’ll receive a free Seattle7Writers book bag.

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