Tony’s Coffee & Teas, 7001 3rd Ave. NW., has changed its hours. The coffee bar is now open 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. on weekdays, and 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on weekends. And it’s changing its popular Friday free cuppings to Saturdays at noon, to accommodate even more people. They’ve also set up a very small children’s area with a rug and toy chest (if you need to clean out your kid’s toys, they’ve got room for more).
The Yard Café, 8313 Greenwood Ave. N., is now open for brunch from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday.
Ballard teen Dominick Cura, who wrote “Eternally Gluten Free: A Cookbook of Sweets and Inspiration, From a Teen!” is hosting a fundraiser from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14, at Chuck’s Hop Shop, 656 NW 85th St. He’s trying to raise enough money to include 400-500 copies of his cookbook in gluten-free care packages that the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center sends to children with celiac disease. Chuck’s will feature beer from gluten-free brewery Harvester Brewing, as well as regular and gluten-free food from Urban Nomad Food Truck.
All That Dance is now open at 320 N. 85th St. (the old Department of Licensing location in Greenwood), offering classes for children and adults in a variety of dance types, from ballet to hip hop to Irish.
Sound Bite Seattle food truck is open for dinner in the parking lot of the Ould Triangle, 9736 Greenwood Ave. N. It serves mainly Italian food. It’s open from 5:30-10 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
Greenwood Hardware employee Jesse Card will soon offer his own laser engraving and cutting services out of the back of the hardware store. Card says his company will be called Zot Laser Cutting and Engraving. He is currently crowd-funding to raise enough capital to buy a laser machine. His company will open sometime in 2013.
Greenwood Alternative Medicine has moved out of 7601 Greenwood Ave. N., Suite 1, after 6 months. The sign in the window says it’s moving to Ballard. According to their Facebook page, they closed after the Drug Enforcement Administration sent letters to several dozen dispensaries that were operating within 1,000 feet of a school or playground. We’ve got a message into the owners for more information.