Ready for some Zoo Doo?

by | Aug 20, 2012

It’s that time of year again, when Woodland Park Zoo sells off some of its prized animal poop that has been cooking into a nice, rich compost.

Photo  by Ryan Hawk, Woodland Park Zoo.
The annual Fall Fecal Fest begins on Wednesday. Enter online for a chance to purchase Zoo Doo and Bedspread. Only one entry per person is eligible for each drawing.

Composed of species feces contributed by the zoo’s non-primate herbivores such as elephants, hippos, giraffes and more. Zoo Doo is perfect to grow your veggies and annuals.
Bedspread, the zoo’s premium composted mulch, is a combination of Zoo Doo, sawdust, and large amounts of wood chips. Bedspread is used to cushion perennial beds and woody landscapes including rose beds, shrubs and pathways.

If you don’t enter online, you can send in a postcard. Separate postcards are required for Zoo Doo and Bedspread drawings (and only one postcard entry for each). Send postcards with your name, phone number, whether you want Zoo Doo or Bedspread, how much you want, and whether you want to pick-up on a weekday or weekend, to: Dr. Doo, Woodland Park Zoo, 601 N. 59th St., Seattle, WA 98103.
Entries will be accepted from Aug. 22 through Sept. 7. Pick-up dates are from Sept. 22 through Oct. 8.
Prices for both kinds are: Pick-up truck 8×4 bed – $60; 6×4 bed – $45; 6×3 bed – $35. (Limit one full truck per person.) Garbage cans are $8-$10 depending on size; bags are $4-$6 depending on size. Two-gallon and pint-sized buckets are available anytime at the ZooStore for $12.95 and $4.95, respectively.
For more information, call the Poop Line at 206-625-POOP or check out the website.

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