Summer Food Service Program provides free lunches, snacks at 3 PhinneyWood locations

by | Jul 1, 2012

The city’s Summer Food Service Program, which provides free breakfast, lunch and snacks to low-income children, got underway this week. The program provides free nutritious meals to children 18 and under at about 100 sites around the city. PhinneyWood-area locations include Greenwood Park, Sandel Park, and Bitter Lake Community Center.

Greenwood Park – 602 N. 87t St: Monday-Friday, through Aug. 24 – Lunch from 12-1 p.m. and snacks from 3-4 p.m.

Sandel Park Playground – 9053 1st Ave. NW: Monday-Friday, through Aug. 17 – Lunch from 12-1 p.m.

Bitter Lake Community Center – 13035 Linden Ave N. – Lunch from 12-1 p.m. and snacks from 3-4 p.m.

(Note: There is no meal service on July 4th.)

Check out the website for a full list of sites and hours for the Summer Food Service Program, or call 206-386-1140.

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