City to paint over two neighborhood murals after constant graffiti

by | Jul 21, 2012

The community-created murals on the North 63rd Street underpass below Aurora Avenue and on North 57th Street near Woodland Park Zoo will soon be painted over by the city, after years of graffiti have taken their toll.
The city says both murals were created in the mid-1990s, and maintenance remains the responsibility of the organizations that created them. People have tried to clean them up at various times, but the graffiti keeps coming back.

Graffiti on the North 63rd Street underpass in 2009.
The city plans to paint over both murals the week of July 30.

Graffiti on the North 57th Street mural in 2009.
If anyone is interested in creating a new mural at either site, contact Rob Mattson, Neighborhood District Coordinator, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, at 206-684-4051 or [email protected].

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