A number of King County Sheriff’s deputies massed in the parking lot to the east of the Greenwood Fred Meyer around 12:30 this afternoon, then about an hour later stormed into the Green Relief medical marijuana dispensary at 85th and 3rd, looking for a suspect in this morning’s Shoreline homicide.
A large group of King County Sheriff’s deputies can been seen in the middle of this photo. Thanks to Summer for the photo!
A witness tells us eight deputies were in a black armored car.
Shane, the owner and director of Green Relief, tells us that deputies were looking for one of Green Relief’s patients, whose car was parked in his lot. Shane (who didn’t want his last name used) said he last saw the man about 8 o’clock last night, but that he was not there today.
Shane says deputies took the suspect’s car. He also says the deputies were very apologetic, and that the incident had nothing to do with his medical marijuana business.
We have a message into the King County Sheriff’s Office and will update this post as soon as we hear back.
Update: The King County Sheriff’s Office confirms that the search was for a Shoreline homicide suspect, but no one was arrested.